- Status
- Open
- Opening date
- Deadline
Target audience
The Media Board’s draft Statement of purpose outlines the broad vision of the Media Board along with its long-term ambition and values, presents the concrete missions of the Media Board with its key priorities and tasks, and explains the modus operandi through operating principles.
On the other hand, the Media Board’s draft Multiannual Strategy presents the broad strategic priorities which will guide the activity of the Media Board for the period 2025-2027. Each strategic priority is accompanied by a number of pillars, formulated broadly in order to clarify the way the strategy will be deployed to achieve the Media Board’s objectives. Each annual work programme will then refer to and build on these strategic priorities in order to define the concrete activities to implement the strategy.
Both documents (the draft Statement of purpose and the draft Multiannual Strategy for 2025-2027), are submitted to a public consultation, the feedback period is set for 25 February – 18 March 2025 (midnight Brussels time). You may participate in the consultation by clicking in the following link: Survey